logic or biology

leslie lamport:

The fundamental problem with approaching computer systems as biological systems is that it means giving up on the idea of actually understanding the systems we build. We can't make our software dependable if we don’t understand it. And as our society becomes ever more dependent on computer software, that software must be dependable.

When people who can't think logically design large systems, those systems become incomprehensible. And we start thinking of them as biological systems. And since biological systems are too complex to understand, it seems perfectly natural that computer programs should be too complex to understand.

We should not accept this. That means all of us, computer professionals as well as those of us who just use computers. If we don't, then the future of computing will belong to biology, not logic. We will continue having to use computer programs that we don't understand, and trying to coax them to do what we want. Instead of a sensible world of computing, we will live in a world of homeopathy and faith healing.

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